Using Microsoft Word with Blogs: Microsoft Word is a fine word processor for producing documents to be shared or printed, with a wealth of print-based options for indexing, and producing table of contents. As a web publishing tool, however, it is a little less than ideal and produces very messy HTML. The same applies when using Google Docs, OpenOffice, or other word processors.
Because of this, we strongly encourage our users to use post editor to create content and formatting on the fly. If you desire to do offline blog post creation, you might try software such as the desktop app.
If you do need to paste content from Microsoft Word, you can do so by selecting your content in your MS Word document and pasting it directly into the Visual Editor in Not all formatting will carry over cleanly, so you may need to tweak some settings.
Specialized formatting
Not all formatting created in a word processor will be reproduced when pasting into’s editor. We’ve found that using Chrome as your browser is the best way to ensure the majority of your formatting transfers over.
Tables created in MS Word should still paste as tables, but borders may not transfer over. If you need a traditional table, we suggest recreating your tables in HTML.
Footnotes and other specialized formatting may paste in, but in some cases that formatting will be lost.
Plain Text
If your MS Word document has heavy formatting and doesn’t paste cleanly, you can try pasting it in as Plain Text.
From the Visual editor click on the Paste as text icon:
Your editor will then be in “plain text mode” so you can paste in your text from Word or another word processor. You will see the following window pop up telling you that you are in this mode until you click on the button again to turn it off:
Once you’ve enabled the Plain Text option once for a post or page, subsequent clicks on the button will turn it on (evidenced by a box around the button) or off (no box around the button). You will not see the pop up window again unless you reload the page or go to a new post/page, but the toggle option still works.
Below is how the Toolbar looks in “Plain Text off” mode. Note that the icon is grey and there’s no box around it:
Below is how the Toolbar looks in “Plain Text on” mode. Notice the icon is now black and there’s a box around it:
When you use Plain Text mode to insert text, note that all your formatting (such as bold, italic, etc.) will be removed, so any styles will need to be added in afterward.