microsoft office setup

Loving the ‘Like’ Button Blogs: Any social network user will tell you, the more “Likes” your post gets, the better. But in practice, I’ve seen that a “Like” can mean more than simply liking what an update has to say. As an avid user of the “Li…

San José and Microsoft announce city’s selection of Office 365, Windows Azure and StorSimple for over 5,000 employees Blogs: Today, we are pleased to share that the City of San José has selected Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft Windows Azure and StorSimple to expand the productivity potential of its more than 5,000 city employees, redu…

Check out the new OneNote for iPad, iPhone and Android Blogs: OneNote has long been a favorite place to track what’s important in life–jot down ideas, plan a trip, keep a shopping list, check to-dos, and share with family or coworkers. You told us you wanted OneNote on all…

Adding rich data labels to charts in Excel 2013 Blogs: Storytelling is a powerful communication tool, and data is essential for many decision-making tasks. Together, they can be data visualization at its best: the science and art of transforming your data so that th…

Plug in to unplug Blogs: Recently, more people are trying to unplug, and they’re chronicling their experiences for the rest of us. Paul Miller of The Verge spent a whole year without the internet, Mashable‘s Vignesh Ramachandran just at…

We’ve Updated Excel Web App – What’s New as of June 2013? Blogs: About a month ago, we announced that Excel Web App and the Office Web Apps are destined to become a comprehensive productivity experience on more browsers and devices (not just companions to the desktop applicat…