Entries from 2017-01-01 to 1 month

Microsoft StaffHub is here!

There are an estimated 500-million frontline staff workers around the world in retail stores, hotels, restaurants, manufacturing and other service-related industries. These employees typically don’t have their own office, desk or computer—…

Microsoft saves $4.5 million annually using Office 365 eDiscovery

To continue to meet legal, business and regulatory compliance challenges, businesses must be able to keep and protect important information and quickly find what’s relevant. Spending days, if not weeks, manually sifting through millions of…

Make work visible, integrated and accessible across the team

Around the world teamwork is on the rise. Research suggests employees now work on nearly double the number of teams than they did just five years ago. This means more than ever people are reliant on their peers to help get things done. But…

Lynbrook Public Schools digital journey and the unexpected app that changed everything

Today’s post was written by Jill Robinson, instructional technology staff developer for Lynbrook Public Schools. As I walked through the halls of Lynbrook North Middle School early one morning, I noticed half a dozen students sitting in th…

Survey—mastering your productivity in 2017

January is all about making resolutions and being an even better version of yourself in the new year. Since so many of us pledge to be more productive, we teamed up with Levo—the network for millennials in the workplace—to sponsor the “Mas…

Unifying Data Loss Prevention in Office 365

All organizations, regardless of size and industry, have data that they consider sensitive. Data Loss Prevention (DLP) is an important capability for protecting this information from getting into the wrong hands. We are always looking to e…

Episode 112 with Andrew Connell on technical training—Office 365 Developer Podcast

In episode 112 of the Office 365 Developer Podcast, Richard diZerega and Andrew Coates talk with Andrew Connell about technical training. http://officeblogspodcastswest.blob.core.windows.net/podcasts/EP112_AndrewConnell.mp3 Download the po…

3 techniques for successful cloud collaboration

What’s your business’s motivation for implementing cloud collaboration solutions? The ones we hear most frequently are increased productivity, accelerated decision-making and improved sales. But here’s the surprise: According to the 2016 C…

Learn how to build your dream team on the next Office Small Business Academy

Every small business knows that a great team is essential to success—but how can you compete with larger corporations when it comes to attracting talent? Register now for the next Office Small Business Academy, “How to Build Your Dream Tea…

How OneNote has become integral to learning at a high school in Scotland

Today’s post was written by Jacqueline Campbell, Computing Science teacher at St Mungo’s RC High School in Falkirk, Scotland. Our OneNote journey at St Mungo’s RC High School in Scotland started in early 2015 when a few “early adopter” tea…